Module ReWeb.Response

Send responses.

For the response functions below, status defaults to `OK unless otherwise noted, and the cookies parameter is converted into response headers and merged with the headers parameter. There is therefore a chance of duplication which you will have to watch out for.

module Header : sig ... end
type headers = (string * string) list

a header X-Client-Id: 1 is represented as: [("x-client-id", "1")].

type status = Httpaf.Status.t

See Httpaf.Status for valid statuses.

type http = [
| `HTTP of Httpaf.Response.t * Piaf.Body.t
type pull_error = [
| `Empty(*

The incoming message stream is empty.

| `Timeout(*

Could not get a message from the stream within the given timeout.

| `Connection_close(*

Connection was closed by the client. Warning: you must exit the WebSocket handler as soon as possible when this happens. Otherwise, you will be in an infinite loop waiting for messages that will never arrive.


Possible issues with pulling a message from the incoming messages stream.

type pull = float -> (string, pull_error) Lwt_result.t

pull(timeout_s) asynchronously gets the next message from the WebSocket if there is any, with a timeout in seconds of timeout_s. If it doesn't time out it returns Some string, otherwise None.

type push = string -> unit

push(response) pushes the string response to the WebSocket client.

type handler = pull -> push -> unit Lwt.t

handler(pull, push) is an asynchronous callback that manages the WS from the server side. The WS will shut down from the server side as soon as handler exits, so if you want to keep it open you need to make it call itself recursively. Because the call will be tail-recursive, OCaml's tail-call elimination takes care of stack memory use.

type websocket = [
| `WebSocket of Httpaf.Headers.t option * handler

A WebSocket response.

type 'resp t = [> http | websocket ] as 'resp

Response type, can be an HTTP or a WebSocket response. Many of the functions below work with either HTTP or WebSocket responses, and some with only one or the other. This is enforced at the type level.

add_cookie(cookie, response) returns a response with a cookie cookie added to the original response.

val add_cookies : ReWeb__Header__SetCookie.t list -> [< http | websocket ] -> _ t

add_cookies(cookies, response) returns a response with the cookies added to the original response.

val add_header : ?replace:bool -> name:string -> value:string -> [< http | websocket ] -> _ t

add_header(?replace, ~name, ~value, response) returns a response with a header name with value value added to the original response. If the response already contains the header, then it is replaced only if replace is true, which is the default.

val add_headers : headers -> [< http | websocket ] -> _ t

add_headers(headers, response) returns a response with the headers added to the end of the original response's header list.

val add_headers_multi : (string * string list) list -> [< http | websocket ] -> _ t

add_headers_multi(headers_multi, response) returns a response with headers_multi added to the end of the original response's header list.

val body : [< http ] -> Piaf.Body.t
val cookies : [< http | websocket ] -> ReWeb__Header__SetCookie.t list
val header : string -> [< http | websocket ] -> string option

header(name, request) gets the last value corresponding to the given header, if present.

val headers : string -> [< http | websocket ] -> string list

headers(name, request) gets all the values corresponding to the given header.

val of_binary : ?status:status -> ?content_type:string -> ?headers:headers -> ?cookies:ReWeb__Header__SetCookie.t list -> string -> [> http ]
val of_file : ?status:status -> ?content_type:string -> ?headers:headers -> ?cookies:ReWeb__Header__SetCookie.t list -> string -> [> http ] Lwt.t

of_file(?status, ?content_type, ?headers, ?cookies, file_name) responds with the contents of file_name, which is a relative or absolute path, with HTTP response code status and content-type header content_type.

If the file is not found, responds with a 404 Not Found status and an appropriate message.

Warning this function maps the entire file into memory. Don't use it for files larger than memory.

val of_html : ?status:status -> ?headers:headers -> ?cookies:ReWeb__Header__SetCookie.t list -> string -> [> http ]
val of_http : status:status -> headers:(string * string) list -> Piaf.Body.t -> [> http ]

of_http(~status, ~headers, body) responds with an HTTP response composed of status, headers, and body.

val of_json : ?status:status -> ?headers:headers -> ?cookies:ReWeb__Header__SetCookie.t list -> Yojson.Safe.t -> [> http ]
val of_redirect : ?content_type:string -> ?body:string -> string -> [> http ]

of_redirect(?content_type, ?body, location) responds with an HTTP redirect response to the new location, with an optional content_type (defaulting to text/plain) and body (defaulting to an empty body).

val of_status : ?content_type:[ `text | `html ] -> ?headers:headers -> ?cookies:ReWeb__Header__SetCookie.t list -> ?message:string -> status -> [> http ]

of_status(?content_type, ?headers, ?cookies, ?message, status) responds with a standard boilerplate response message based on the content_type and status. content_type defaults to `text. The boilerplate message can be overridden by message if present.

val of_text : ?status:status -> ?headers:headers -> ?cookies:ReWeb__Header__SetCookie.t list -> string -> [> http ]
val of_view : ?status:status -> ?content_type:string -> ?headers:headers -> ?cookies:ReWeb__Header__SetCookie.t list -> ((string -> unit) -> unit) -> [> http ]

of_view(?status, ?content_type, ?headers, ?cookies, view) responds with a rendered body as per the view function. The view is a function that takes a 'printer' function (string -> unit) as a parameter and 'prints' (i.e. renders piecemeal) strings to it. These strings are pushed out as they are rendered.

The difference from of_html, of_binary, and the other functions is that those hold the entire response in memory before sending it to the client, while of_view holds only each piece of the response as it is streamed out.

val of_websocket : ?headers:headers -> handler -> [> websocket ]

of_websocket(?headers, handler) is an open WebSocket response. Optionally you can pass along extra headers which will be sent to the client when opening the WS.

Warning it can be a little tricky to write a completely asynchronous WebSocket handler correctly. Be sure to read the reference documentation above, and the manual, carefully.

Note OCaml strings are un-encoded byte arrays, and ReWeb treats all incoming and outgoing WebSocket data as such--even if the client is sending UTF-8 encoded text format (see It's up to you as the WebSocket handler writer to encode/decode them as necessary.

val status : [< http ] -> status
val status_code : [< http ] -> int