Module Header.SetCookie

See for explanations of all the options below.

type same_site =
| None
| Strict
| Lax

Cookie same-site policy.

type t

Set-Cookie header.

val make : ?max_age:int -> ?secure:bool -> ?http_only:bool -> ?domain:string -> ?path:string -> ?same_site:same_site -> name:string -> string -> t

make(?max_age, ?secure, ?http_only, ?domain, ?path, ?same_site, ~name, value) creates a cookie with the given options. Use this to create cookies unless you need more control, in which case you can use of_header.

secure defaults to true but can be overridden here or at the config level.

http_only defaults to true but can be overridden here.

same_site defaults to Lax.

val name : t -> string

name(cookie) gets the cookie name.

val of_header : string -> t option

of_header(header) tries to parse the header value into a cookie.

val to_header : t -> string * string

to_header(cookie) returns a Set-Cookie header setting the cookie.

val value : t -> string

value(cookie) gets the cookie value including all directives.