Module Header.CacheControl

See for detailed explanations of the various cache options. See ReWeb.Filter.cache_control for the intended usage of this type.

type privately = {
must_revalidate : bool option;
max_age : int option;(*

In seconds


Caching options for the end user's device.

type publicly = {
no_transform : bool option;
proxy_revalidate : bool option;
s_maxage : int option;(*

In seconds


Caching options for proxies and other devices than the end user.

type t =
| No_store(*

Don't cache at all

| No_cache(*

Cache but revalidate with every request

| Private of privately(*

Cache on end user's device only

| Public of privately * publicly(*

Cache anywhere


Possible values of the Cache-Control response header.

val private_ : ?must_revalidate:bool -> ?max_age:int -> unit -> t

private_(?must_revalidate, ?max_age, ()) is a convenience function for creating a private cache response.

val public : ?must_revalidate:bool -> ?max_age:int -> ?no_transform:bool -> ?proxy_revalidate:bool -> ?s_maxage:int -> unit -> t

public(?must_revalidate, ?max_age, ?no_transform, ?proxy_revalidate, ?s_maxage, ()) is a convenience function for creating a public cache response.

val to_string : t -> string

to_string(value) converts the cache-control instructions into a comma-separated list of directives.